Ellicott Mills Middle School
- Public
Public School
Howard County Public Schools
Ellicott Mills Middle School
- grade AOverall Grade
- Public
- 6-8
- Rating 4.11 out of 5 9 reviews
Report Card
- Academicsgrade A
- Diversitygrade A
- Teachersgrade A minus
Ellicott Mills Middle School Rankings
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Percent Proficient - Reading
Percent Proficient - Math
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- Cost of Livinggrade B minus
- Good for Familiesgrade A+
- Housinggrade B+
Median Household Income
$78,538Median Rent
$1,348Median Home Value
grade A
Based on racial and economic diversity and survey responses on school culture and diversity from students and parents.
Free or Reduced Lunch
no data--
We don't have enough responses to know if students and parents agree that students at this school are competitive.Take our surveyno data--
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Student-Teacher Ratio
17:1Average Teacher Salary
Teachers in First/Second Year
of students and parents agree that the teachers give engaging lessons. 3 responses100%
of students and parents agree that the teachers genuinely care about the students. 3 responses67%
of students and parents agree that the teachers adequately lead and control the classroom. 3 responsesSimilar Schools
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- Howard County Public Schools, MD
- 6-8
- Rating 4.56 out of 5 9 reviews
Ellicott Mills Middle School Reviews
Rating 4.11 out of 5 9 reviews
This school is so skibidi. I got fanum taxed my Case oh in the lunch room oh how he's a sigma . I have seen so many people with level 1000 kai cenat gyatts. I went to the Ohio bathroom and saw 2 people edging and mewing to Livvy Dunne and Baby Gronk they're such rizzlers. Also in the bathroom there was a stall door and soap dispenser missing and a random brown thing in the sink.
the devious lick wars left the boys bathrooms in trouble. the stall doors are gone and one time a toilet lid went missing. the soap dispensers were ruined by the devious licks. There was a random turd in the bathroom in the sink. the screaming wouldn't stop from one Kid as the ketchup was poured into their stall.
Ellicott Mills Middle School was a great middle school to go to. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot with my friends and teachers. The school was usually clean and I took many classes that I enjoyed. One thing I hated was the food. The snacks were great but the actual lunch was very bad. I would usually prefer to just get snacks over getting lunch. This is a problem not only in Ellicott Mills but in a lot of other schools. This needs to be changed especially for those who depend on the school lunch for their source of food.